Dr. Quoc Quach is a General Dentist practicing in Airdrie, Alberta. He is a fun and compassionate dentist, who is delighted to have you join his growing dental family at Grace Family Dental.
His passion is family, and excellence in patient care and relationships. Graduating in 2004 from Dalhousie University, Dr. Quach has been a part of many dental offices in Newfoundland and Alberta over the last sixteen years. After living in Halifax, Nova Scotia for over 20 years, Dr. Quach moved to Airdrie 13 years ago and has found the beautiful mountains of the West to be his home ever since.
With Grace Family Dental soon entering its 10th year, Dr. Quach looks forward to expanding his involvement in this amazing community and continuing to build meaningful relationships with his dental team and his patients.
When Dr. Quach is not practicing dentistry, he can be found on the soccer field playing with his three boys or taking photographs of beautiful sceneries while traveling with his family.