When it comes to your child’s dental health, there are many things to consider. It is recommended that parents have their dental treatment completed before the birth of their child, in order to minimize the transference of Strep mutans, (an oral bacteria that can transfer from mother to unborn child), which in turn can help minimize your child’s risk of developing early childhood cavities. We also discourage parents from putting their baby to bed with a bottle filled with anything but water. Milk, fruit drinks, apple juice, or sugar water in a bottle overnight can wreak havoc with developing teeth, often resulting in rampant dental cavities. As soon as the first teeth erupt in the mouth, we recommend that you begin brushing, twice daily, with water. By one year of age, your child should have his or her first teeth and the first dental examination should follow soon thereafter, as recommended by the Canadian Dental Association. As a general rule, regular checkups every six months should then be completed in order to maintain good oral health and treat issues while they are relatively small. However, your dentist will determine if checkups should be more or less frequently, depending on each individual patient.
Our family-friendly general dentists and entire dental team are here to provide children’s dentistry in a comfortable and nurturing environment for children that encourages and educates about the importance of oral hygiene now and throughout their lifetime.